eNews January 2025
All the latest Abbey news: winter retreats, teachings in Asia, holiday celebrations, Buddha Hall progress, and more!
All the latest Abbey news: winter retreats, teachings in Asia, holiday celebrations, Buddha Hall progress, and more!
Ven. Ngawang shares his 2025 new year aspirations for Sravasti Abbey, for his own practice, and for the world.
A glimpse of Venerable Chodron’s travels and teachings in Taiwan and Singapore this past month.
Ven. Rinchen imagines the compassionate actions of Chenrezig’s arms and hands.
An eTeaching from “Vajrayana and the Culmination of the Path,” the final volume in The Library of Wisdom and Compassion.
Rejoice in Je Tsongkhapa’s teachings, practice them, and create great merit!
For Laurel, it is precious to know there’s a place where love and compassion are practiced and promoted.
All the latest Abbey news: teachings, books, Buddha Hall, a bull moose, and more!
Maintain a virtuous mind on Thanksgiving.
Message from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, from Vajrayana and the Culmination of the Path—Vol 10 of The Library of Wisdom and Compassion.