Taking the Vinaya as Our Teacher
A training course for Buddhist nuns of all traditions
Vinaya Master Venerable Wuyin
Live and train in community at Sravasti Abbey, USA
Teachings with Vinaya Master Venerable Wuyin
Abbess of Luminary International Buddhist Society (LIBS香光尼僧團), Taiwan
Join Sravasti Abbey in a rare opportunity for Buddhist nuns to study the bhikshuni precepts in English while living within a fully functioning bhikshuni sangha.
Focusing on the precepts of fully ordained nuns (bhikshunis), the course is open to nuns at all levels of ordination from the Dharmaguptaka, Mulasarvastivada, and Theravada traditions.
The daily program will consist of morning and evening meditation, teachings, discussion groups, offering service, and informal sharing.
Venerable Bhikshuni Master Wuyin and a bhikshuni faculty from Luminary International Buddhist Society (LIBS) will guide us in
- Study and dialogue on the bhikshuni precepts of the Dharmaguptaka Vinaya and how to live them in modern society
- Sharing experiences of monastic life in community
- Monastic education and community chanting
Nuns can immediately apply these studies into our own practice and communities.
- Admission is by application.
- The course is offered on a dana basis.
- Nuns are responsible for their transportation to and from Sravasti Abbey.
- Sponsorships for meals and housing are welcomed.
Venerable Bhikshuni Master Wuyin
Venerable Master Wuyin entered the Buddhist sangha in 1957 and received full ordination as a bhikshuni in 1959. She is the current abbess of Luminary International Buddhist Society (LIBS) and oversees study programs for nuns and laypeople, as well as translation and publishing projects. She is the president of the Luminary Buddhist Institute that she founded in 1980, publisher and editor-in-chief of Luminary Magazine, and the abbess of Luminary Mountain Temple, the head temple of LIBS.
Venerable Master Wuyin has dedicated her life to improving the education and status of bhikshunis, especially through providing teachings and well-rounded training for women monastics. She has closely analyzed the Vinaya both theoretically and experientially, and has taught the bhikshuni precepts in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Myanmar, India, and the USA. Her teachings have provided inspiration and support for Buddhist nuns from different traditions around the world to establish the bhikshuni sangha and enable the Dharma to continue to flourish in the modern world.
She first taught Western nuns at the Life as a Western Buddhist Nun conference in Bodhgaya in 1996, which resulted in her book Choosing Simplicity. She also taught Living the Vinaya in the West at Sravasti Abbey in 2018, which led to the publication of Building Community and Living the Vinaya.
The Bhikshunis of Luminary International Buddhist Society
Since its establishment in the 1980s, the Luminary International Buddhist Society has grown steadily and now comprises about a hundred nuns. Its main monastery is Luminary Mountain Temple in Taoyuan, Taiwan, with seven other branch temples spread across Taiwan and one branch temple near Seattle, USA. The organization also includes the Luminary Buddhist Institute and library that focus on monastic education, and magazine and book publication houses that spread Buddhist teachings and culture.
The bhikshunis of Luminary International Buddhist Society come from all levels of society and share a common aspiration—to build a model center for the education of women monastics. They seek to become well-qualified religious practitioners who can disseminate Buddhist education based on correct knowledge and views, so that the general public will understand the Buddha’s teachings based on reasoned faith, improve their daily lives through practicing the Dharma, and illuminate their own and others’ lives.
Sravasti Abbey
Sravasti Abbey is among the first of its kind—an American Buddhist monastic community where nuns, monks, and lay students learn, practice, and live the Buddha’s teachings. Founded in 2003 by author and teacher Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron, the Sravasti Abbey community practices Tibetan Buddhism in the tradition of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Abbey monastics are ordained in the Dharmaguptaka Vinaya lineage, which offers full ordination nuns.
Commitment to monastic training
The Abbey is committed to the preserving the Buddhadharma, including the bhikshuni lineage, through dedicated Vinaya practice at the Abbey and supporting nuns’ training worldwide.
Nuns attending this course will have the opportunity to live and train in a Western monastic community. With 16 resident bhikshunis, the Sravasti Abbey sangha conducts the three essential rites the Buddha prescribed for monastics: the fortnightly confession and renewal of precepts (posadha, sojong), an annual three-month monastic retreat (varsa, yarne), and an invitation to hear feedback at the end of the retreat (pravarana, gagye.) Observing these three is the mark of a fully functioning sangha community.
In 2018, we hosted our first Living the Vinaya in the West course with Venerable Master Wuyin. We are honored that she has accepted our invitation to return for further teachings.
Volunteers Welcome!
We welcome lay volunteers to help make this course possible. We welcome help with cooking, cleaning, videography, photography, and other daily tasks. We will need assistance both before, during, and after the course—you are welcome to join us for all, or some part of it.
If you have volunteered for us before, please fill out this form. If this will be your first time volunteering with us, please fill out this form.
Course Requirements
This course is open to nuns of all ordination levels: sramaneri (getsulma), shiksamana (gelobma), and the fully ordained (gelongma).
Do I have to come from the Tibetan tradition?
Nuns from any of the three vinaya traditions—Dharmaguptaka, Mulasarvastivada, or Theravada—are welcomed to attend.
Will this course be streamed online?
No. The course is in-person only. In the future, materials developed from the course may be available as a book and on video.
When do I need to arrive/depart from the Abbey?
Please arrive by October 27 (am or pm shuttle), and leave on November 17 (am or pm shuttle). If you wish to come early to help us prepare for the course, please indicate that in the registration form.
How should I prepare for this course?
We recommend that you read the three existing books published in English by Master Wuyin:
What does it cost?
While the teachings, room and board are offered freely, we request an initial gift of $100 US to reserve your place in the course. Your offering marks your commitment to follow through on your wish to attend.
Monastics are responsible for their own travel expenses. Let us know if you need help with this.
Will translation be offered?
Master Wuyin will teach in Mandarin, with English translation provided. Translation into other languages can be organized according to who registers for the course.
Can I bring my friend who wants to ordain?
We welcome lay volunteers, who wish to help with cooking, cleaning, and helping with other aspects of the course. Registration forms for volunteers are here.
Daily Schedule
The daily program will consist of morning and evening meditation, teachings, discussion groups, offering service, and informal sharing. It includes daily teachings with Master Wuyin or other members of the Luminary faculty, and morning and evening practice sessions. Here is a sample schedule, which may be adapted as the program develops.
5:00 am | Wake up |
5:30 | Meditation Practice |
7:30 | Breakfast |
9:00-11:45 | Teachings |
12 noon | Lunch |
2:30-4:30 | Teachings |
4:30 | Study time or group activities |
6:00 | Medicine meal |
7:00 | Meditation or Chanting |
8:15 | Study & personal time |
10:00 | Lights out |
I have a lot of commitments, when can I do them?
Every morning and evening we have group meditation practice. There will be an hour of silent meditation time in both sessions to do your commitments. Breaktimes are also available to do meditation practice.
I have a daily exercise schedule. Will there be time for that?
Small breaks are offered throughout the day. We encourage you to take walks on the extensive walking paths on the Abbey grounds. If possible, we will organize designated areas for yoga, tai chi, qi gong and so forth.
Getting to the Abbey
Before booking any flights, please speak with Venerable Samten at [email protected]
Read the Visit Us section of the Abbey website thoroughly. The Getting Here page will help you plan your travel.
Do I need a visa to enter the US?
Please use the US State Department Visa Wizard to see what kind of visa you need to enter the USA for this three-week course.
Most people can enter on a B-2 Tourism visa.
Where do I get travel health insurance that I can afford?
IMG Insurance provides affordable health insurance for short visits.
We recommend that you bring US dollars to make offerings to Master Wuyin. You can make offerings to Sravasti Abbey either online, with cash, or via cheque.
Will I have access to my phone and laptop?
To help you keep your mind in the Dharma and at the Abbey, we ask that you turn in your cell phone upon your arrival. It will be stowed carefully in a locked security box in the Abbey office.
We ask that you complete all business and personal communications before you arrive.
You can use notebooks and laptops to study or take notes while you are here. You can also use your tablet as an alarm clock.
Internet will be available during the course, to be used in restricted areas and times primarily to distribute course material.
What if I need a special diet?
We always serve gluten-free and dairy-free options. Let us know about food intolerances before your visit. If your diet is very restrictive, write to the office to discuss your needs.
Will I have a roommate?
You will have at least one roommate. Please bring earplugs. Let us know if you have special needs.
What do I need to bring?
- Bring sheets for a single bed (or a sleeping bag), pillow case, and bath and hand towels. The Abbey will provide pillows and blankets.
- Scent-free toiletries (toothbrush & paste, deodorant, hand lotion, lip balm, shampoo)
- Flashlight
- Alarm clock that doesn’t tick. (You may not use your cell phone as your clock, but you may use your tablet.)
- Water bottle
- Bring multiple layers for warm days and cool mornings and evenings.
- Snow is possible, so bring warm clothing, snow boots, gloves, hat, and ice cleats for your shoes.
- It is customary to have both arms covered in the Chinese Tradition. Out of respect for our teachers, please bring long-sleeved upper garments to wear with your robes.
Materials for Dharma practice
- Notebook and pen to take notes during teachings.
- Bring meditation outlines, prayer books, and Dharma books. The Abbey has a small library for guests, but it may not contain the books you wish to read. Books by Ven. Thubten Chodron and Ven. Sangye Khadro are available at the Abbey by donation.
- Personal electronic devices are permitted for taking notes during teachings and you can use them to store your practice texts and study material. Internet use will be in designated areas only, primarily for accessing course materials.
- Bring prescribed medicines. Do not go off your regular medication while at the Abbey.
- Allergy medicine if you are allergic to cats
- An Epi Pen or two if you have an allergic reaction to bee stings
Learn from books by Ven. Thubten Chodron.
Sravasti Abbey
692 Country Lane
Newport WA 99156 USA
[email protected]
Also see ThubtenChodron.org