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Online: Following in the Buddha’s Footsteps
June 14, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm PDT
Streamed live on YouTube
In this weekly series, Ven. Thubten Chodron gives reading and commentary on Following in the Buddha’s Footsteps, Volume 4 in the multi-volume book series of The Library of Wisdom and Compassion by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Ven. Chodron.
It’s an extrarodinary opportunity to hear teachings on the key elements of the Buddha’s path directly from the book’s editor and co-author.
Following in the Buddha’s Footsteps delves into the substance of spiritual practice, beginning with His Holiness’s explanation of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, why they are reliable guides on the path, and how to relate to them. He then goes on to describe the three essential trainings common to all Buddhist traditions: the higher trainings in ethical conduct, concentration, and wisdom, each of which is elucidated in detail.
Talks will be streamed on YouTube and archived weekly.
“This authoritative volume serves as a rich source of information on two major themes—the bases of Buddhist faith and the framework of Buddhist training—each viewed from the two complementary perspectives of the Pali tradition and the Indo-Tibetan tradition.”
Learn more about Following in the Buddha’s Footsteps here.
All Sravasti Abbey programs are offered freely and your kind offerings are welcomed. Donate here.
Chinese Translation
We will offer simultaneous translation into Mandarin Chinese via Zoom for Ven. Chodron’s weekly teachings on the Library of Wisdom and Compassion series. The Chinese translation of Volume 4 has been published in Taiwan, which you can find here.
从太平洋时间6月7日星期五下午6点(台湾/马来西亚/新加坡时间6月8日星期六上午9点)开始,美国舍卫精舍将通过Zoom为图丹却准法师的《智悲文库》系列每周法谈提供中文同步翻译。第四卷的中文译本已在台湾出版,名为《达赖喇嘛说止观》。点击此处通过 Zoom 加入:
從太平洋時間6月7日星期五下午6點(台灣/馬來西亞/新加坡時間6月8日星期六上午9點)開始,美國舍衛精舍將透過Zoom為圖丹卻準法師的《智悲文庫》系列每週法談提供中文同步翻譯。第四卷的中文譯本已在台灣出版,名為《達賴喇嘛說止觀》。點擊此處透過 Zoom 加入:
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88679695933
Meeting ID: 886 7969 5933
Passcode: 143064