Zoom: Medicine Buddha Puja
Sravasti Abbey 692 Country Lane, Newport, WA, United StatesJoin us on Zoom for a guided meditation on the Medicine Buddha. Submit your specific prayer requests and practice together for healing on all levels.
Sharing the Dharma Day
Sravasti Abbey 692 Country Lane, Newport, WA, United StatesOne Sunday a month, Sravasti Abbey offers Sharing the Dharma Day, an opportunity for newcomers and old friends to explore the Buddha's teachings and share in community. Online and in person if you're fully vaccinated and register in advance.
Zoom: How to Hold Steady When Our Buttons Get Pushed
Centro Budista Rechung Dorje Dragpa Rio TesechoacAn 41, Col. CuauhtAmoc, Xalapa, Veracruz, MexicoVen. Thubten Semkye shares how to work with anger and defensiveness, as well as old habits of thinking, when our buttons get pushed. On Zoom, hosted by Tara Buddhist Center, Nashville.
Online: Secular Mindfulness and Buddhist Mindfulness
Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia No.9, Jalan SS25/24, Taman Mayang, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, MalaysiaMindfulness meditation has gone mainstream, but how does the secular version compare with Buddhism? Join Ven. Thubten Chodron and Ven. Ariyadhammika Thera for their thoughts on mindfulness from the Tibetan and Pali Tradition perspectives.
Zoom: Medicine Buddha Puja
Sravasti Abbey 692 Country Lane, Newport, WA, United StatesJoin us on Zoom for a guided meditation on the Medicine Buddha. Submit your specific prayer requests and practice together for healing on all levels.
No Class NO TEACHING TONIGHT: Samsara, Nirvana, & Buddha Nature
Sravasti Abbey 692 Country Lane, Newport, WA, United StatesVen. Thubten Chodron continues her remarkable personal commentary with Volume 3 in the Library of Wisdom and Compassion, co-authored by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Ven. Thubten Chodron.
Online: What Is Faith?
Tibetan Buddhist Centre 281 Jalan Besar, Singapore, SingaporeVenerable Thubten Chodron explores the meaning of faith in Buddhism and how to cultivate it in a realistic and beneficial way. Hosted by Tibetan Buddhist Center Singapore. Note that talk times and dates are given for both Pacific and Singapore time zones.
New Year’s Vajrasattva Retreat 2021
Sravasti Abbey 692 Country Lane, Newport, WA, United StatesThe new year brings an opportunity for renewal. Why not spend New Year’s Eve creating virtue with Ven. Thubten Chodron and the Sravasti Abbey community? Suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners.
One-Month Medicine Buddha Retreat
Sravasti Abbey 692 Country Lane, Newport, WA, United StatesThe month-long Medicine Buddha Winter Retreat is open to experienced meditators who are fully vaccinated, have studied the lamrim teachings, and are ready to go deeper in their practice. Admssion is by application.
Online: The Path to Self-Acceptance
Merve Karakus Mindfulness Teacher Training Istanbul, WA, TurkeyVenerable Thubten Chodron shares tips on how to cultivate genuine self-confidence by befriending ourselves and understanding the nature of our human potential. Hosted by Merve Karakus, with simultaneous translation into Turkish.
Zoom: Medicine Buddha Puja
Sravasti Abbey 692 Country Lane, Newport, WA, United StatesJoin us on Zoom for a guided meditation on the Medicine Buddha. Submit your specific prayer requests and practice together for healing on all levels.
Lunar New Year Puja: Online
Sravasti Abbey 692 Country Lane, Newport, WA, United StatesThe Abbey takes our annual puja, requested by our Singapore friends, to create merit for the Lunar New Year. This year, we'll do the Lama Chopa puja online. All are welcomed.
Zoom: Medicine Buddha Puja
Sravasti Abbey 692 Country Lane, Newport, WA, United StatesJoin us on Zoom for a guided meditation on the Medicine Buddha. Submit your specific prayer requests and practice together for healing on all levels.
Zoom: Medicine Buddha Puja
Sravasti Abbey 692 Country Lane, Newport, WA, United StatesJoin us on Zoom for a guided meditation on the Medicine Buddha. Submit your specific prayer requests and practice together for healing on all levels.
“Big Love” Remembering Lama Yeshe – Inspiring Stories & Teachings
Sravasti Abbey 692 Country Lane, Newport, WA, United StatesVen. Chodron joins in the Days of Miracles series, hosted by Tushita Meditation Center in India, to share stories about her study with Lama Thubten Yeshe, beloved founder of FPMT.
Make Every Day a Miracle!
Sravasti Abbey 692 Country Lane, Newport, WA, United StatesVen. Chodron joins in the Days of Miracles series, hosted by Tushita Meditation Center in India. Join her to learn how we can train our minds to see the miracles in every day.
Zoom: Medicine Buddha Puja
Sravasti Abbey 692 Country Lane, Newport, WA, United StatesJoin us on Zoom for a guided meditation on the Medicine Buddha. Submit your specific prayer requests and practice together for healing on all levels.
Zoom: Medicine Buddha Puja
Sravasti Abbey 692 Country Lane, Newport, WA, United StatesJoin us on Zoom for a guided meditation on the Medicine Buddha. We will especially dedicate the March Medicine Puja toward peace in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Please note the time change.
Online: International Women’s Day with Ven. Thubten Damcho
Singapore Venues See full schedule for details, WA, SingaporeSingapore Buddhist Mission brings together nuns from three different Buddhist traditions — including Sravasti Abbey's Ven. Thubten Damcho — to share gratitude to all women and dedicate merits for peace.
Online: Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe on Kamalashila
Sravasti Abbey 692 Country Lane, Newport, WA, United StatesTeachings by eminent Tibetan scholar Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe on this classic Buddhist text by 8th Century master Kamalashila. Katrina Brooks, resident interpreter at Deer Park Buddhist Center in Wisconsin, is the interpreter.