Annual Winter Retreat

A month-long silent meditation experience for qualified practitioners

1000-Armed Chenrezig Retreat

November 25-December 25, 2024 

One-month Vacation with the Buddha of Compassion

With a thousand arms and a thousand eyes, Chenrezig reaches out in response to the cries of the world. In the One-month Chenrezig retreat, we will nourish the seeds of  compassion within ourselves, emphasizing how to bring the compassion practices alive in our daily lives and meditation sessions. Arrive by November 25. Plan to depart December 26.

You can also join us from home for the winter Retreat from Afar.

Program Specifics

Admission is by application. Register on the event page

To qualify, you must:

  • Be in good mental and physical health
  • Commit to living within the 5 lay precepts plus celibacy (refraining from killing, stealing, sexual activity, lying, and intoxicants) during the retreat
  • Learn the specific retreat practice and stages of the path (lamrim) meditations in advance
  • Be able to guide yourself through a 75-90 minute session five times a day
  • It’s best if you can sit on a cushion, but chair seating is also permitted
  • Commit to attend all sessions, pujas, and discussions unless you are sick

What Is It?

The annual Winter Retreat is a one-month group meditation retreat.

In the Winter Retreat, everyone meditates together, doing the same practice, for at least five sessions a day. At the beginning some sessions may be led, but soon everyone practices on their own in silence. We keep noble silence in the break times. However, the group may meet periodically for check-ins and Q & A.

Everyone shares in daily offering service tasks to maintain the retreat environment. This may include cleaning the kitchen and other buildings and assisting with meals. Snow-shoveling is a common activity for those who are able.

One of the Abbey’s senior teachers—Ven. Thubten Chodron and Ven. Sangye Khadro—offers teachings twice a week or more. They are available for spiritual guidance as needed. Otherwise the retreat is managed by resident monastics.

We offer a beautiful retreat environment—peaceful setting, disciplined retreat structure, qualified spiritual guidance, and a supportive practice community. The chance to do long meditation retreat is rare, and we are delighted to offer this opportunity to others.

Retreat Preparation & Resources

Chenrezig is the emobodiment of the infinite compassion of all Buddhas. He is one of the most cherished deities in the Tibetan tradition, and his mantra—om mani padme hum—is recited around the world. Known as Avalokiteshvara in Sanskrit, his Chinese counterpart is Kuan Yin.

The mind of compassion, the wish for beings to be free of suffering, is the direct opposite of the wish to harm others. It is essential for developing bodhicitta, the intent to become Buddha to free all beings from suffering. Chenrezig meditaiton helps us to grow our compassion, confront our self-centered thought, and create causes to someday become Chenrezig ourselves.

Numerous resources are available to prepare you for Chenrezig Retreat. Here are a few. Check back for more.

Winter Retreat FAQs

What is the daily winter retreat schedule?

Plan to arrive by November 25. Plan to depart December 26.

The daily schedule typically includes four or five group meditation sessions of 75-90 minutes, and one individual study session. The first session begins at 5.30 am, and the last session ends at 8:15pm or 8:30pm. Retreatants are expected to attend every meditation session unless they are sick. The retreat on Four Establishments will include sessions to receive teachings—live or video—as well

There is time between sessions for reading, walking, yoga, or other activities to keep the body supple for extended sitting. Everyone shares in daily offering service tasks to maintain the retreat environment. We serve three meals daily, except on new and full moon days when we take the eight Mahayana Precepts together.

How much does it cost?

Like all Abbey programs, the retreat is offered on a donations basis (dana).

We invite aspiring retreatants to join in creating the resources to make the retreat happen. By making offerings, everyone works together to create the conditions for retreat. Your offering sponsors fellow meditators. Making your offering also creates merit, which is essential for overcoming any obstacles to doing retreat.

Each participant should raise or contribute at least USD 840 for the one-month retreat. There will be an opportunity to offer additional dana for teachings if you wish at the end of the retreat if you wish.


(Buddhist monks and nuns who wish to do the winter retreat may make an offering if they wish.)

Upon notification that your application has been accepted, please offer at least half of the dana to secure your place in the retreat. The remainder should be offered two weeks before the start date.

Learn more about the Abbey’s economy of generosity.

How do I sign up?

Complete the 2024 One Month Winter Retreat registration form when it’s available. Even if you still have doubts, this is the first step.

Half of the retreat donation is due upon acceptance of your application. The remaining donation is due two weeks before the start date. Your participation in gathering the dana to support the retreat shows that you are serious about doing retreat.

You can make a check payable to Sravasti Abbey, indicating Winter Retreat on the memo line, and mail it to: Sravasti Abbey, PO Box 447, Newport, WA 99156.

Sending the donation by credit card is fine, but please add 3.3% to offset bank processing fees. Indicate Winter Retreat in the comments box.

If family or friends send offerings on your behalf, please email our office to let us know that they are supporting you in gathering donations for the retreat.

Can I retreat for more or less than one month?

No. The Abbey is closed to the public for the three months of Winter Retreat. We ask that one-month retreat participants arrive before the start date, and leave together on the last day. There will be no early departures except in case of emergency.

Read the Visit section for information on transportation and what to expect at the Abbey.

Go to the Event Schedule for this year’s Winter Retreat dates. After retreat, you can continue with the your practice from home through the Retreat From Afar.

Can I attend the retreat with my partner?

We have found that it is best if couples do not attend the Winter Retreat together. This gives you the space to retreat from attachments and really focus your attention on your own practice.

Can I come just to offer service?

Some people love serving retreats, and doing so brings lots of reward and merit. We especially welcome cooks during our retreat time.

Offering service attendance is by application. We prefer people who serve the retreat to have retreat experience and to be familiar with the Abbey, our schedule, and our way of managing food. Complete and send in the registration form, telling us what you would like to do. The Abbey office will get in touch with you.

Can I be in touch with my family?

We keep the retreat discipline strictly to give meditators the best possible conditions to work with your minds. For that reason, we curtail all contact with the outside world.

That means no incoming or outgoing phone calls, text messages, emails, or letters are permitted. Retreatants should make all necessary arrangements before the retreat begins.

In case of an emergency, your family can phone the Abbey. Telephones and messages are monitored regularly, so they will be able to get in touch with you if it’s necessary.

Altar for the fire puja that the completes the winter retreat.
Enjoy a supportive group retreat environment for intermediate and advanced meditators.
Blanketed in snow during winter retreat.

“It is mentioned in the Kadampa teachings that between doing prayers in your room alone and in community, it’s a hundred times more powerful doing the prayers and practices together in community. So I was very happy to see group practices and group discipline (at the Abbey).”

Lama Zopa Rinpoche

The Meditation Hall is quiet doing winter retreat.

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Thanks, friends! What a meaningful and refreshing way to spend the New Year. May all beings benefit from our efforts.
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Sravasti Abbey

692 Country Lane
Newport WA 99156 USA
[email protected]